Dear fellow newgrounders,
Today's brainstorming, as I was wandering in the streets of Paris, was about weither I will be giving a new name to my game "Providence : Catacombs of Despair" as soon as a remake is released. The new features will include a broader game window, zoom-in enabled for the map, more details, something to find out easily the last door you have gone through, a better compass and so on.
I hope these changes will make the game less complicated. My aim is not (for the moment) to improve it with brand new ideas, which I might nevertheless be doing one day by working on a sequel to this first success (^^). A hearty "thank you" to anyone has reviewed the game and given advise so as to make Catacombs of Despair even better.
Regarding the title, too likely to be confused with the name of a city, I am going to change it as well, although I am not certain about the new title. The one I am trying to familiarize with sounds partly the same, ending in "ence" as well, and partly stranger, since it is not a common word, rather a pun on - or a distortion of - a French phrase.
Anupam Dameçur